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ABOUT OUR PASTOR: Bishop Dr. Elijah Solomon 

Dr. Solomon says, ministering under the Holy Spirit, powerfully unlocks the keys to Kingdom living.  

He is married to Christine, who is an integral part of his ministry and vision. Together they count their many blessings two daughters, Eleshia Monique Spence (Wally) and Keturah Davis (Ulysses), three grandsons, and four granddaughters. 

Dr. Elijah Solomon is a dynamic, energetic ambassador of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His ability to deliver the word of God with in-depth biblical knowledge coupled with a business background makes every message an inspiring experience. 

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Solomon is the son of the late Apostle Frank S. Solomon and the late Mother Mae Solomon. He had early exposure to Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                                    

Dr. Solomons is a graduate of  

  • Clark Atlanta University 

  • George Washington University   

  • University of Maryland 

  • Houston Graduate School of Theology where he received a M.D, P.H.D, in Divinity 

Seminar teachings include: 

  • "Effective Backroom Ministry" 

  •  Financial Empowerment - God's Way" 

  •  "Building Relationships" 

  •  "Effective Goal Setting" 

  •  "The Love List 

  •  "A New Beginning 

Author: Dr. Solomon:  "I CAN!"…was written by Dr. Solomon as an Inspirational Reading, with a message of faith overcoming fear. 

He is a retired IBM Corporation executive with thirty-two (32) years of technical and business management experience. 

Dr. Solomon was named pastor of Refuge Temple in Atlanta, Georgia on August 28, 2005. He is currently the active pastor of both Refuge Vision and Refuge Temple. His vision from God is for spiritual development, and prosperity, and his ministries are geared toward supporting the spiritual and natural needs of the community. 

“Reimagining church growth and Community Engagement”  


Bishop Dr. Solomon: Meet the Team
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