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Refuge Vision Ministries 
"A Fellowship of Love"  
St. John 13:34-35 

The vision of Pastor and First Lady Solomon is to share "A Fellowship of Love" with as many as possible in this journey of ministry. They have been blessed by God to be very proficient teachers of God's Word, to be helpful, compassionate, and caring people. They have a genuine desire for everyone to learn of Jesus' love, for saving souls, and for God's people to prosper. 

Sunday, May 1982, Refuge Vision Ministries (RVM) of Houston, Texas, was born. Services were held in a hotel meeting room, and bible class, in various members homes, for three weeks.  

First Lady Solomon found a “daycare” for sale, and within those three weeks. Gods people converted RVM, from a nursery to a sanctuary, through many hours of voluntary labor, and many sacrifices to make RVM a comfortable place of worship. God made a way for the doors of RVM to open and fulfill a long desire of Elder Solomon to have a church south of downtown. 

We remained at that location for 25 years, as we continued the mission of sharing the gospel, and being a positive influence, through community engagement.  

In 1989 The ministry's focus was on growing and rapidly sharing the word of God all around the city of Houston. We quickly grew in membership and cultural diversity. Which resulted in a brand-new assembly for worship.  

We will continue to stay planted south of downtown Houston. Continually sharing the word of God, physically, and virtually, as God continues to give us the ability.  

“Reimagining church growth and Community Engagement”  


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First Lady

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